If you need to refresh your lawn, Trimmendous Lawn Care is here to help. Our home lawn care services include expert grass seeding. We'll get your lawn looking green, and we'll keep it that way with our lawn maintenance services.

If your grass has already taken root, schedule your lawn maintenance services in Augusta & Evans, GA today.

Why you should choose seeding over sod

As part of our home lawn care services, we'll help you build your lawn from the ground up. We recommend seeding over sod because seeding:

Is cheaper than laying sod
Requires less labor-intensive care
Gives you access to a wider variety of grass types

Seeding also allows you to plant a grass type that will thrive in your soil type. The best time for seeding changes depending on the grass variety you choose. Our experts can help you plan for the best possible results.

Call 706-400-6880 today to start planning your new lawn.