Struggling to cultivate a thick, green lawn? We can help. Trimmendous Lawn Care offers lawn fertilization services in Augusta, Evans, GA and surrounding areas. We can dethatch, aerate and fertilize your brown grass to help it grow into a healthy, attractive lawn. Our lawn care crew has experience fertilizing all types of grass.
Call 706-400-6880 right away to arrange for lawn fertilization services. We can fertilize your property at the right time every year.
Give your lawn the nutrients it needs to thrive. Trimmendous Lawn Care does lawn fertilization work in the Augusta & Evans, GA area. Fertilizing your lawn can:
1.Eliminate the need for toxic weed killer
2.Reduce flooding and muddy spots in your yard
3.Enhance the appearance of your lawn
We can help your lawn get the additional nutrients it needs. Reach out to us today to get reliable lawn fertilization services.
Don’t grow old trying to grow a lawn via traditional seeding methods. In addition to lawn fertilization, Trimmendous Lawn Care also provides sod installation services. We can help you decide on the perfect species of grass for your property and install your sod in a timely manner.
You should get the ball rolling on your sod installation because sod:
Gives you a thick, green lawn instantly
Requires less irrigation than seeding
Costs less than growing a lawn from seed
Prevents soil erosion
Reach out right away to arrange for sod installation services in Augusta or Evans, GA. Our sod installation specialists will install your lush lawn in the blink of an eye.